Who knows what the weather will bring? Corrina Burge, classteacher in Birmingham, shares some ideas for outdoor play in all wintry weathers.
Snowy weather is a great way into collage work for all ages. Collect coloured scraps, then cut, tear, curl, fold, arrange and away you go.
Wind down to the holidays with some snowy maths problems inspired by The Christmas Wish – by maths teacher Antonia Peters.
How many different versions of The Christmas Wish can you create and film in your class? Show children how to find their storytelling style and get creative.
Over the woods, over the towns, over the empty beaches and the stormy seas, until he came to a wild place where the rocks were shaped like howling wolves...
Chris McDonald, headteacher and educational writer, combines ICT and critical thinking in this seasonal snowman story.
Banish stage fright with these drama and performance poetry ideas from educational writer and former local authority language development adviser, Halina Boniszewska. Use them as a warm-up for your winter production or as fun, standalone activities.
The Christmas Wish has lots of potential for exciting literacy work. Here are some ideas for exploring The Christmas Wish, with writing ideas by class teacher Katie Gane.