Meet our little grub on his journey to becoming a Moon Moth. Along the way, he meets lots of Madagascan jungle animals and learns about patience and self-belief too.
At the age of 12, a slave boy, on the island of Madagascar discovered a technique for pollinating vanilla orchids quickly and profitably – read his story.
The creature in our story, The Grub’s Tale, goes through the life cycle of a Madagascan Moon Moth. Starting scientific investigations with a story contextualises learning and can provide a good introduction to tricky concept for young children.
An assembly looking at Madagascar is perfect for showing the richness of our world and a great place for children to showcase their work.
Vanilla is one of the world’s best-loved flavours. We use it in everything from ice cream to skin cream. Madagascar is among the world's principal suppliers of this exotic spice but the life for the vanilla farmers in Madagascar is tough. Let’s investigate!
There’s a lot going on in the life of our little creature in A Grub’s Tale. We see how his life is a mystery to him and without a parent or brothers and sisters, he is worried and unsure of his future.